Thank you for your interest in selling licensed Cannabis to Mendocino Supply Co. We are excited about meeting you and learning about your farm. 

Our goal is to provide excellent cannabis products to the California market and a provide a valuable and timely distribution service to our Cultivators. 

Please see the FAQ’s below for more information:


How can I sell cannabis to Mendocino Supply Co.?

1. Fill out this form to get the process started:___________.pdf

When can I expect to hear back from Mendocino Supply Co.?

2. Expect a call back within 48 hours once you have submitted your inquiry. We will collect the Cultivator's license information and schedule a site visit.

What can I expect on the site visit?

3. We will take a look at your premises to understand your work process and collect R&D samples. 

How does testing work?

4. Mendocino Supply Co. sends your sample to SC Labs for testing and we wait for sample test results. The test costs are paid for by Mendocino Supply Co. and deducted later from the Cultivator’s sales price.

How do we determine sales price and how does the Cultivator get paid?

5. We gauge sales price on lab test results, current market conditions, personal preference, and years of experience. When your sample product passes testing, we negotiate a purchase rate for both Flower and Oil based on all of these factors. Once sales price is agreed to, Mendocino Supply Co. arranges a  batch pick up at your premises. We pay via cash to Cultivator at your facility or our facility, no later than 10-days after your batch passes testing.

How is my product stored and handled?

 6. Mendocino Supply Co. transports and stores your product in temperature and humidity controlled vehicles and spaces. Your product is only stored in secure warehouse areas. Once your product arrives at our facility it is immediately tested and then put into quarantine. There is no intermingling or mixing of batches. Your product stays in the same bag that it left your premises in. Your batch remains in quarantine area while awaiting batch test results.

How soon will we receive test results and what happens next?

7. Generally test results take about 1 week but this can become longer during busy periods. When we receive your batch test results, the clock begins on 10-day payment deadline to Cultivator and we plan a time and a place for payment to be delivered. 

What happens if my product does not pass the test for Flower?

8. If batch fails test, Mendocino Supply Co. pays you the pre-negotiated price for Oil.